Bundle positions on product page

A Bundle can show automatically on the product page if the Bundle setting is configured to show in some product pagee, you can change this setting by editing a Bundle:

In the settings at Settings > Product Page you can configure where the Product Page Bundle will show, here are the options:

- Below Add-to-Cart Form - The default option, our app will try automatically detect the main cart form in your product page and will add the Bundle below it.

- Above Add-to-Cart Form - The same option as the previous one, but the Bundle will show above the form.

- Below Custom Element - Using this option the merchant can write a CSS selector of an HTML element that exists in the product page, the Bundle will show below this HTML element.

- Above Custom Element - The same option as the previous one, but the Bundle will show above the HTML element.

- Below Multiple Custom Elements - Using this option the merchant can also write a CSS selector, but instead of our app get just one HTML element, with this option the Bundle will be added below all elements that match the CSS selector.

- Above Multiple Custom Elements - The same description as the previous option, with the difference that the Bundle will be added above all elements that match the CSS selector.

- Product Page Placeholder (Shopify Theme 2.0) - With Shopify Themes 2.0 is possible to position the Product Page Bundle by using the Shopify UI Editor, for more information about this option please see Set product page Bundle position with Product Page Placeholder.

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