How to remove the powered by Revy text

This text usually appears in the following types of bundles: Quantity Bundle (all products), Mix and Match Products, and Mix and Match Collection.

To remove the powered-by text, please use the following custom CSS.

Place the CSS at Bundles app > Settings > Design > Custom CSS field.

Remove powered-by text for Mix and Match Collection widget using this custom CSS:

.rbu-mc-powered-container {
    display: none !important;

Remove powered by text for the Mix and Match Product widget using this custom CSS:

.rbu-mpb-powered { 
   display: none !important; 

Remove powered by text for Quantity Bundle all products widget using this custom CSS:

.rbu-qb-powered {
    display: none !important;

Here is an illustration of how to add the custom CSS.

If you have any questions or experience any challenges please let us know at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer you ;)

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